Periodic Poster/Element Demonstration Project

Periodic Poster Project is designed as an introduction to the Periodic Table of Elements.This project enables students to identify and discover similarities and differences among the elements by using interactive periodic tables. Guidelines and worksheets are included in the each section to ensure timely student progress each day. Each student will be given an element to research. He/she will develop a poster for classroom presentation. Students will discover relationships among periodic table groups when they collaborate with other students who have been assigned elements in the same periodic family.


Is it possible to put the entire universe on one sheet of paper? You betcha!!! How, you ask? Click HERE to see.

Wow! Wasn't that impressive? You have just seen all the building blocks from which EVERYTHING in the universe is created. Those 110 (and counting) elements, when combined together in numerous ways, create every substance know to mankind.

Get Organized, Baby!

Because this Periodic Table sure is! The Periodic Table (PT) is organized into four main regions.  These regions are called metals, nonmetals, metalloids, and Noble Gases. These regions are broken down even further into vertical columns called Groups or Families. Not only is the PT vertically organized, it's got it all together horizontally, too! The horizontal rows tell something about the atomic structure. What, you ask? Discover for yourself by visiting the websites below and completing the Get Organized, Baby worksheet provided by your teacher.

(Get Organized Assignment)

WebSite 1 :

WebSite 2 :

Get Interactive!

These interactive periodic tables place a wealth of information at your fingertips. With only a mouse click you can learn anything you care (or don't care) to know about each element. Using the websites below, choose any two elements and complete the Get Interactive outline provided by your teacher.

(Webelements Assignment)


(Visual Elements Assignment)


It's Element DemonstrationTime

Using the guidelines provided, construct an attractive and informative demonstration to present to your class about your assigned element.


(Evaluation Rubric)

Periodic Play

