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Blueprint Skills Lesson Plans Topical Sites Interactive Websites for Students Worksheets
Blueprint Skills
Key: I=Introduced, D=Developing, M=Mastered, A=Assessed
The student will understand that the earth has many geological features that are constantly changing.
Differentiate among earth layers according to their physical properties.
Structure of the Earth
Label a cross section of the earth.
Layer Diagram Layer Diagram
Illustrate the major plate boundaries.
Illustration of plate boundaries
Identify the major plates of the world.
Plate Tectonics
Major Plate Tectonics
Deduce plate movements as the major cause of geological events.
Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker
Compare and contrast processes that shaped the earth in the past with those shaping the earth today (e.g., plate movements, human activity, and mountain building).
Earth Games
Sedimentary Processes
Shaping the Earth Flashcard Exchange
Dynamic Earth
Eye in the Sky
Recognize the relationship between continental drift and plate tectonics.
Relationships between Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics