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Blueprint Skills Lesson Plans Topical Sites Interactive Websites for Students Worksheets
Blueprint Skills
Key: I=Introduced, D=Developing, M=Mastered, A=Assessed
Interactions Between Living Things and Their Environment
The student will investigate how living things interact with one another and with nonliving elements of their environment
Characterize the major biomes according to specific environmental features and identify the organisms commonly found in these areas.
K-4 Biomes Module
Kids Do Ecology Biomes
What’s It Like Where You Live?
Movie: Land Biomes
Biome Scavenger Hunt
Biome Song 1
Biome Song 2
Ecosystem/biome games
Biome Basics
Distinguish among commensalisms, parasitism, and mutualism.
Identify the earth’s major biomes.
Major Biomes of the World
Brain Pop – Land Biomes
World biomes
Choose the appropriate biome for an organism, given a description.
Mission: Biomes
Aquatic Ecology Lesson
Identify biotic and abiotic factors in a biome.
Living and non-living things quiz