Blueprint Skills

Key:  I=Introduced, D=Developing, M=Mastered, A=Assessed

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Grade 8

Interactions Between Living Things and Their Environment

The student will investigate how living things interact with one another and with nonliving elements of their environment








Characterize the major biomes according to specific environmental features and identify the organisms commonly found in these areas.


K-4 Biomes Module

Kids Do Ecology Biomes

What’s It Like Where You Live?

Movie:  Land Biomes

Biome Scavenger Hunt

Biome Song 1

Biome Song 2

Ecosystem/biome games

Biome Basics



Distinguish among commensalisms, parasitism, and mutualism.




Identify the earth’s major biomes.

Major Biomes of the World

Brain Pop – Land Biomes

World biomes

World biomes



Choose the appropriate biome for an organism, given a description.

Mission: Biomes

Aquatic Ecology Lesson




Identify biotic and abiotic factors in a biome.

Living and non-living things quiz


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Lesson Plans
  1. Pond Wandering - Living or Non-Living (Grade 1)
  2. Living or Non-Living (Grade 1-3)
  3. Living Versus Non-Living (Grade 1-2)
  4. Living and Non-Living (Grade K-2)
  5. Living or Non-Living (Grade K-4)
  6. Sorting Matter into Living or Non-Living (Grade K)
  7. Living or Non-Living Nature Hike (Grade 1)
  8. Living and Nonliving (Grade 4)
  9. Living and Non-Living Things (Grade 1)
  10. Ecosystems Grade 5
  11. Classification (Grade 5)
  12. Life Cycles (Grade 1)
  13. What Flies (Grade K-3)
  14. Making Sense of Living Things (Grade 1-3)
  15. It's Alive (Grade K)
  16. Living vs Non-Living (Grade 1)
  17. Go Fish (Grade 2-3)
  18. Habitats Form and Function Dry Land (Grade 4)
  19. Mini-Ecosystems (Grade 3)
  20. Life in a Pond (Grade 3)
  21. Biomes Characteristics (Grade 3)
  22. Bottle Habitat (Grade 4-8)
  23. Desert Adaptations (Grade 4-8)
  24. Discovery of the Earth's Biomes (Grades 4-8)
  25. The Concept of Ecosystems

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  1. Seven Characteristics of Living Things
  2. Living and Non-Living Things
  3. Living & Non-Living Things
  4. Living Things:  Ecosystems and Habitats
  5. What's It Like Where You Live
  6. Exploring Ecosystems
  7. Earth on the Edge
  8. Ecology Categories
  9. Ecosystem Resources
  10. Ecosystem Teaching Package
  11. American Field Guide
  12. Biome and Habitats
  13. World Biomes
  14. Living Lakes
  15. Food Chains
  16. The World Biomes
  17. Biomes
  18. What is a biome?
  19. Nasa's Mission:  Biomes
  20. Biomes of the World
  21. Types of Land
  22. Exploring Ecosystems
  23. Types of Land
  24. Types of Land 2
  25. Soil Formation
  26. Arctic Coastal Plain

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Interactive Websites for Students
  1. The Living and Non-Living Things Quiz
  2. Living and Non-Living Things
  3. Living Things
  4. Ecosystem Game
  5. Ecosystem Board Game
  6. Where do they live?
  7. The Watershed Game
  8. Ecosystem/Biomes Game
  9. Amazon Interactive
  10. In Search of Ways of Knowing
  11. The Forest Ecosystem
  12. Interaction and Ecosystem Quiz
  13. How Ecosystems Work Game
  14. Ecosystems/Biomes
  15. Interactions Among Living Things
  16. Pond Life & Energy Flow in Ecosystems
  17. Life Processes and Living Things
  18. Chapter 3 How Ecosystems Work 
  19. Ecokids Online
  20. Ecosystem Exhibits
  21. View a PowerPoint Presentation about Habitats
  22. View a Food Chain and Food Web PowerPoint Presentation
  23. View a PowerPoint Presentation about Fens
  24. View a PowerPoint Presentation about Bogs
  25. View a PowerPoint Presentation about Marshes
  26. View a PowerPoint Presentation about Swamps
  27. Interactive: Try Mr. Hazzard's On-Line Wetlands Quiz
  28. Interactive: Play A Version of Wetlands Millionaire!
  29. Characteristics of Living Things  Download the Presentation
  30. Quia Quizzes & Activities:  Living Things Grow and Change, Living Things and Their Environments, Living Things Grow and Change, Simple Living Things -- They're Complicated! (Grade 5)
  31. Geo Mysteries
  32. Welcome to the Coral Reef
  33. On the Resource Trail
  34. Saving the Earth's Animals Sample VIDEO
  35. Mini World of Insects and Spiders Sample VIDEO
  36. Science Songs (Right-click and choose "Save Target" or "Save Link" to download a copy of the song)
    Science Songs for Teaching 
    (Right-click and choose "Save Target" or "Save Link" to download a copy of the song)

Nature Songs  (Singing Science)

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  1. Ecosystems
  2. Ecosystem Word Search 1
  3. Ecosystem Word Search 2
  4. Ecosystem Word Search 3
  5. Ecosystem Crossword Puzzle
  6. Biome Word Search
  7. Biome Detective Worksheet
  8. Ecosystems Practice Test
  9. Living/Non-Living Comparison Chart

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