Blueprint Objectives: 

Grade 7 Heredity and Reproduction


The student will understand the basic principles of inheritance.




Match a flower part with its reproductive function.

Flowering Plan Reproduction

Lesson Plant Reproduction




Distinguish between sexual and asexual methods of reproduction.

Lesson Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction




Recognize that genetic information is passed from parent to offspring during reproduction.

Kids Genetics

What makes you, you?  What makes me, me?




Recognize advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction.

Compare Sexual and Asexual Reproduction




Recognize a variety of pollination methods and associated floral adaptations.


What is Pollination?

Lesson Partners in Pollination


Grade 8 Heredity and Reproduction

 The student will understand the basic principles of inheritance.



Differentiate between complete and incomplete metamorphosis.

Insect Metamorphosis



Distinguish between sexual and asexual methods of reproduction.


What is inheritance?



Use the results of a test cross to distinguish between dominant and recessive traits.

Kids genetics with punnett squares



Differentiate between dominant and recessive traits.

Kids genetics with punnett squares



Predict the genotypes of offspring in a monohybrid cross using a punnett square.

What is inheritance?

Working out Punnett Squares Online



Draw or construct a model representing the relationship among DNA, genes, and chromosomes.

DNA presentation

 Gene presentation

Chromosome presentation
Genetic Probe



Select models or illustrations that are representations of DNA.

DNA presentation



Associate a change in a DNA molecule with a mutation.

Making Protein



Identify types of genetic engineering (i.e., gene splicing and cloning) and evaluate the impact of genetic engineering on society.

Genetic Engineering

Animal Cloning



Construct a simple model that represents the basic process by which reproductive cells are produced (meiosis).




Research and present information on careers related to biotechnology.


Careers in Biotech



Lesson Plans
  1. Nature Nuture Grades 3-5
  2. Fun with Heredity Grade 5
  3. Easter Egg Genetics Grade 5+
  4. Gummy Bear Genetics Grade 5+
  5. Fun with Heredity (PDA Lesson Plan)
  6. Aging and Genetics Grade 5+
  7. The Future's in the Genes Grades 3-5
  8. Lettuce Be Different Grades K-5
  9. Where Do Butterflies Come From? Grades K-2
  10. Life of A Monarch Butterfly Grades K-2
  11. Tadpoles to Frogs Grades K-1
  12. Frogs Grade 2
  13. Frog Unit Grades K-5
  14. Frogs: A Thematic Unit Plan Grades K-2
  15. Salmon Life Cycles Grades K-2
  16. Life Systems Grade 1
  17. Animal Life Cycles Grades 3-5
  18. Wearing My Genes Grade 5+
  19. What is a Trait?  Grades 4-5
  20. Genetics:  You are Unique Grade 5+


  1. Human Anatomy Online
  2. DNA from the Beginning
  3. Genetic Science Learning Center
  4. Life Cycles:  The Monarch Butterfly
  5. The Life Cycle of A Butterfly
  6. The Gene School
  7. Heredity
  8. Reproduction and Heredity
  9. Names of Animals and Babies
  10. The Amazing Human Body


  1. Butterfly Life Cycle
  2. Label the Butterfly Life Cycle
  3. Life Cycle of A Butterfly
  4. Salmon Life Cycle Worksheet
  5. Three or Four Phase Life Cycles
  6. Heredity Chart
  7. My Family Tree
  8. Animal Life Cycles


Interactive Websites for Students
  1. Concentration Game
  2. Online Quiz
  3. Brain Pop DNA
  4. Designer Genes
  5. Cracking the Code of Life
  6. The Salmon Story
  7. Butterflies Puzzles
  8. Writing Across Curriculum:  Heredity
  9. PowerPoint:  Traits Download the Presentation
  10. We Are All Alike
  11. Animal Life Cycle Student Slide Shows
  12. Life Cycles
  13. Life Cycle Puzzle
  14. Life Cycles Grades 1-2
  15. Are you my mother?
  16. What will I grow up to be?
  17. Animals and Their Babies
  18. Quia - Genetics Terms Grade 5+
  19. Quia Game Plant Reproduction, Genetics
  20. Species Life Cycles
  21. Songs:  It Takes Two * -- Rosenshontz
  22. Science Songs  (Right-click and choose "Save Target" or "Save Link" to download a copy of the song)
    Science Songs for Teaching 
    (Right-click and choose "Save Target" or "Save Link" to download a copy of the song)